Material: Usually made of willow wood, with a cane handle
Size: The bat's length, including the handle, can't exceed 38 inches (96.5 cm), and its width can't exceed 4.25 inches (10.8 cm)
Weight: A cricket bat typically weighs between 2.63–3 lb (1.19-1.36 kg)
Maintenance: New cricket bats are "knocked in" by hitting them on old balls to prepare them for use. The bat can also be treated with linseed oil.
History: The first known use of the term "cricket bat" was in 1622. The bat has changed over time, from being made from a single piece of wood to being made from two pieces, and from having a curved shape to being straight.
Purpose: In addition to hitting the ball, batters can also use the bat to touch the ground and avoid a run out.